

       qmon - X-Windows OSF/Motif graphical user interface for Grid Engine


       qmon [options]


       Qmon allows administrators and users to manipulate the Grid Engine
       system from an X-Window environment.  Qmon provides various dialogues
       linked together in multiple ways.  For each task the user wishes to
       accomplish via qmon a corresponding dialogue is provided. There are
       multiple ways to address the proper dialogue for a certain task:

       o  The qmon main window that comes up first on start-up contains icon
          buttons for all major administrative and user tasks. A functionality
          tooltip is displayed when pointing at the different icons.

       o  A Task pulldown menu button appears in the qmon main window menu
          bar. Clicking on it opens a list of available tasks. Selecting one
          of them opens the corresponding dialogue.

       o  The Task pulldown menu also contains the key accelerators which can
          be used to invoke the task dialogues directly from the main window
          by pressing a certain sequence on the keyboard.

       o  While navigating through a certain dialogue and its dialogue sub-
          hierarchy, links to other dialogues occur whenever a connection
          between both dialogues is obvious. Pushing the buttons that identify
          the links opens up the other dialogues.


       The supported options are the standard X Toolkit options as described
       in X(1) section Options. Furthermore, qmon supports:

       -cmap  Installs a private color map for qmon.  This is sometimes useful
              if other applications have already allocated lots of colors and
              if qmon, therefore prints corresponding error messages. Note,
              however, that using a private color map will result in color map
              switches whenever you enter or leave qmon windows.

       -fontFamily {big|medium|small}
              Notifies qmon to use different size font families for different
              resolution sizes.

       -help  Displays usage information.

              Startup without logo.


   Job Control
       The Job Control dialogue provides a folder of tabulated lists of the
       still pending jobs, already running jobs and recently finished jobs.
       The dialogue allows for detailed information on the jobs as well as for
       the deletion and suspension of jobs being selected.  In addition the
       job control dialogue offers links to the Submit dialogue in order to
       submit new jobs or to change attributes of pending jobs (Qalter
       button). The fields displayed in the tabular display and the jobs
       displayed can be customized by pressing the Customize button. This
       customization can be saved to the ~/.qmon_preferences file and is used
       on following startup for the initial configuration of the Job Control

   Queue Control
       The Queue Control dialogue with its sub-dialogue hierarchy enables the
       user to control the status of the Grid Engine queues actually
       configured in the system and allows the administrator to add new queues
       or to modify or delete existing ones. The Queue Control dialogue shows
       a tabbed view of Cluster Queues or their corresponding Queue Instances
       in a tabular way.

       By pushing the Add, Clone or Modify button, a sub-dialogue for
       configuring Grid Engine queues is opened.  A queue needs to be selected
       to use the clone and modify operation. The configuration sub-dialogue
       allows for definition of the queue and its attributes.  The
       configuration sub-dialogue contains in the upper section the queue name
       and a list of hosts or hostgroups for which this queue contains the
       configuration.  The lower section contains a list of hosts or
       hostgroups at the left, where the default attributes are shown when the
       "@/" entry is highlighted.  These default attributes can be overruled
       on a hostgroup or host basis by enabling attributes and changing their
       values after this hostgroup or host entry has been added in the
       "Attributes for Host/Hostgroup" listbox.  The queue configuration
       parameters (see queue_conf(5)) are subdivided into different categories
       (General Configuration, Execution Methods, Checkpointing, Load/Suspend
       Thresholds, Limits, Complexes, User Access, Project Access, Subordinate
       Queues, Owners) which are selectable by the tab widget area presented
       in the lower region of the queue configuration sub-dialogue.  The
       administrator may select previously-configured settings from already
       existing queues (Clone button). By pushing the Ok button, the
       definitions are registered with sge_qmaster(8).  The Queue Control
       dialogue can be customized in a similar way as the Job Control
       dialogue. The settings applied here are also saved in

       The Job Submission dialogue serves for submitting batch and interactive
       jobs and is also invoked when changing attributes of pending jobs from
       the Job Control dialogue explained above (Qalter button). To toggle
       between batch and interactive jobs please use the Batch/Interactive
       button at the top of the button column on the right side of the Job
       Submission screen.

       The dialogue consists of a folder containing two job preparation
       dialogue pages. The most frequently used parameters in the course of a
       job submission are offered on the General page. A job script has to be
       defined; all other fields are optional. If the job demands
       specification of advanced requirements, the Advanced tab can be used to
       switch to an enhanced parameter display.

       If resource requirements are mandatory for the job, the Request
       Resources icon button has to be used to pop up the Requested Resources
       sub-dialogue.  This sub-dialogue allows for selection of the required
       resources of the job and for definition of the quantities in which this
       resources are to be provided. The Available Resources are constituted
       from those complex attributes declared requestable (see complex(5) for
       details). Resource requirements can be made Hard, i.e. they must be met
       before a job can be started in a queue, or Soft, i.e. they are granted
       on an as-available basis.

       Closing the Requested Resources sub-dialogue with the done button books
       the specified requirement for the job. Pushing the Submit button on the
       top level Submit dialogue submits the job.

   Complex Config
       The Complex Config allows the administrator to add new complex
       attributes or to modify or delete existing ones (see complex(5)).  The
       complex configuration dialogue provides a tabulated list of the complex
       attribute entries and an input region for the declaration of new or
       modified entries. The Add button updates the tabulated list with a new
       attribute.  The Modify button changes a highlighted existing entry.
       The Delete button removes the highlighted attributes.  The Load and
       Save buttons allow saving or reloading the whole attribute list to or
       from file.  The Ok button registers the additional or modified complex
       attributes with sge_qmaster(8).

   Host Config
       Four types of host related lists can be maintained via the Host Config

              Administration Hosts
              Submit Hosts
              Host Groups
              Execution Hosts

       The host list to be manipulated is selected via clicking at one of the
       tabs named correspondingly. The first two host lists only provide for
       adding or deleting entries, thereby allowing administrative or submit
       permission for the hosts on the lists, or denying it otherwise
       respectively.  The host group list allows the manipulation of host
       groups. Host groups can reference either other host groups or hosts.
       The execution host list entries in addition provide the ability to
       define scaling factors for the load sensors, consumable complex
       attributes and access attributes (access, xaccess and projects,
       xprojects) as described in complex(5).  CPU, memory and I/O usage
       reported for running jobs can be scaled in addition and the relative
       performance of a host can be defined with the Resource Capability
       Factor (see host_conf(5)).

   Cluster Config
       This dialogue maintains the cluster global configuration as well as
       host specific derivatives (see sge_conf(5)).  When opened, the dialogue
       displays a selection list for all hosts which have a configuration
       assigned. The special name "global" refers to the cluster global
       configuration. By pushing the Add/Modify button a sub-dialogue is
       opened, which allows for modification of the cluster configuration. For
       host specific configurations the 'global' host specific configuration
       fields are set insensitive and only the allowed parameters can be

   Scheduler Config
       The Scheduler Configuration dialogue provides the means to change the
       behavior of the Grid Engine scheduler thread part of sge_qmaster(8)
       process.  The dialogue contains a representation for all scheduler
       configuration parameters as described in sched_conf(5).  It is
       subdivided in the two sections General Parameters and Load Adjustments,
       which can be selected via the corresponding tabs.  The Ok button
       registers any changes with sge_qmaster(8).

   Calendar Config
       The Calendar Config allows the administrator to add new calendars or to
       modify or delete existing ones (see calendar_conf(5)).  The dialogue
       offers a selection list for the existing calendars and displays the
       configuration of the one being selected. By pushing the Delete button,
       the selected calendar is deleted from the configuration. Pushing the
       Add/Modify button will open a calendar configuration dialogue, which
       allows to create new calendars or which provides the means to change
       the existing ones. The Ok button registers the additional or modified
       calendar with sge_qmaster(8).

   User Config
       User permissions are controlled via the User Config dialogue.  The tab
       widget in the left section of the dialogue allows for selecting between

              Configuration of Manager accounts.
              Configuration of Operator accounts.
              Definition of Usersets.
              Definition of User accounts.

       Those user accounts added to the list of manager or operator accounts
       are given permission to act as managers or operators respectively when
       accessing Grid Engine under their own account.

       The userset lists are used together with the user_lists and xuser_lists
       host, queue, project and cluster configuration parameters (see
       queue_conf(5), project(5) and sge_conf(5)) to control access of users
       to hosts, queues, projects and the entire cluster.  A userset is just a
       collection of user names and UNIX group names. Group names are
       identified by prefixing them with a "@" sign. The already-defined
       usersets are displayed in a selection list. These lists can be
       modified, and new lists can be created, using the Userset definition

       Usersets can be used as Access List and/or as Department required for
       the so called Functional Policy and Override Policy (see Ticket Config

       User names can be added to the system as entries to the Grid Engine
       user database (see user(5)); here a default project can be attached to
       the user too.  This can be done with the User sub-dialogue.

       The Tickets button in the button list on the right side of the dialogue
       opens the Ticket Config dialogue (see below).

   PE Config
       Parallel environment (PE) interfaces can be configured with this
       dialogue.  PE interfaces are necessary to describe how parallel
       programming environments like PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine), MPI
       (Message Passing Interface), or shared memory parallel systems, are to
       be instantiated and to impose access restrictions onto the PEs. When
       the dialogue is opened a list of the configured PEs is displayed,
       together with the current configuration (see sge_pe(5)) of the selected
       PE interface.  To add new PE interfaces, or to modify existing ones, an
       Add and a Modify button are available which open a PE interface
       configuration sub-dialogue. After applying the changes and quitting
       this sub-dialogue with the OK button, the new or modified PE interface
       is registered with sge_qmaster(8).

   Checkpoint Config
       Checkpointing environment interfaces can be configured with this
       dialogue.  Checkpointing environments are necessary to describe the
       attributes which the different checkpointing methods and their
       derivatives on various operating system platforms supported by Grid
       Engine have. When the dialogue is opened a list of the already
       configured checkpointing environments is displayed together with the
       current configuration (see checkpoint(5)) of the selected checkpointing
       environment. To add new checkpointing environments, or to modify
       existing ones, an Add and a Modify button is available which opens a
       checkpointing environment configuration sub-dialogue. After applying
       the changes and quitting this sub-dialogue with the OK button, the new
       or modified checkpointing environment is registered with

   Ticket Conf
       This dialogue offers an overview and editing screen for allocating
       tickets to the share-based, functional and override scheduling

       The Deadline Job button opens the User Conf dialogue box.  Please
       change to the Userset sub-dialogue and select the userset named
       "deadlineusers".  Only users of this userset may submit deadline jobs.

       The Share Tree Policy button opens the dialogue for creating and
       editing the Grid Engine share tree (see share_tree(5) and sched_conf(5)
       for a description of the configuration parameters).

       The Functional Policy button opens the dialogue for creating and
       editing the allocation of the functional shares (see sched_conf(5),
       access_list(5), project(5), queue_conf(5) and user(5) for a description
       of the different types of functional shares and the configurable
       weighting parameters).

       The Override Policy button opens the dialogue for creating and editing
       the allocation of override tickets (see access_list(5), project(5),
       queue_conf(5) and user(5) for a description of the different types of
       override tickets).

   Project Conf
       This button opens a dialog for creating projects.
       The dialogue offers a selection list for the existing projects and
       displays the configuration of the one being selected. By pushing the
       Delete button, the selected project is deleted from the configuration.
       Pushing the Add/Modify button will open a project configuration
       dialogue, which allows creating new projects changing existing ones.
       Project configuration in essence means giving or denying access to a
       project for usersets (see User Conf above as well as project(5)).  The
       Ok button registers the additional or modified project with

       The Object Browser dialogue's purpose is manifold: First of all, Grid
       Engine and qmon Messages, such as notification of error or success
       concerning a previously taken action, can be displayed in the
       dialogue's output window.  Also the standard output and the standard
       error output of qmon can be diverted to the Object Browser output

       Additionally the Object Browser can be used to display continuous
       information about Grid Engine objects as the mouse pointer moves over
       their representation as icons or table entries in other qmon dialogues.
       Currently, only the display of the configuration of two Grid Engine
       objects in two separate dialogues is supported:

       o  Queue configurations are displayed as soon as the mouse pointer
          enters a queue icon in the top level Queue Control dialogue (see
          above). This facility is activated by pushing the Queue button in
          the Object Browser dialogue.

       o  Detailed job information is printed as soon as the user moves the
          mouse pointer over a line in the Job Control dialogue (see above)
          assigned to a running or pending job.

       o  Additionally job scheduling information is displayed in the browser
          if the Why? button in the Job Control dialogue is pressed. In this
          case the Browser dialogue is opened implicitly and any scheduling
          related information is displayed.

       The Exit icon button is not linked with a dialogue. Its sole purpose is
       to close all active qmon dialogues and to exit the application.


       The available resources, their meaning and the syntax to be followed in
       order to modify them are described in the default qmon resource file
       (see the section Files below for the location of the resource file).


       SGE_ROOT       Specifies the location of the Grid Engine standard
                      configuration files.

       SGE_CELL       If set, specifies the default Grid Engine cell. To
                      address a Grid Engine cell qmon uses (in the order of

                      The name of the cell specified in the environment
                      variable SGE_CELL, if it is set.

                      The name of the default cell, i.e. default.

                      If set, specifies that debug information should be
                      written to stderr. In addition the level of detail in
                      which debug information is generated is defined.

                      If set, specifies the tcp port on which sge_qmaster(8)
                      is expected to listen for communication requests.  Most
                      installations will use a services map entry instead to
                      define that port.

       SGE_LOAD_AVG   Specify a load parameter (see load_parameters(5)) to use
                      instead of load_avg when displaying/selecting load


       If the line to be entered in an editing window is longer than the width
       of the window, then the text just runs off the end of the window.


       <sge_root>/qmon/Qmon           Qmon sample resources file
       /usr/lib/X11/defaults/Qmon     Qmon system resources file
       $HOME/Qmon                     Qmon user resources file
       $HOME/.qmon_preferences        Qmon job/queue customization file


       sge_intro(1), sge_conf(5), access_list(5), sge_pe(5), calendar_conf(5),
       complex(5), project(5), queue_conf(5), sched_conf(5), user(5),


       See sge_intro(1) and the information provided in
       <sge_root>/3rd_party/qmon for a statement of further rights and
       permissions and for credits to be given to public domain and freeware
       widget developers.

SGE 8.1.3pre                      2011-05-18                           QMON(1)

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