

       drmaa_init, drmaa_exit - Start/finish Grid Engine DRMAA session


       #include "drmaa.h"

       int drmaa_init(
              const char *contact,
              char *error_diagnosis,
              size_t error_diag_len

       int drmaa_exit(
              char *error_diagnosis,
              size_t error_diag_len


       The drmaa_init() function initializes the Grid Engine DRMAA API library
       for all threads of the process and creates a new DRMAA session. This
       routine must be called once before any other DRMAA call, except for
       drmaa_version(3), drmaa_get_DRM_system(3), and
       drmaa_get_DRMAA_implementation(3).  Except for the above listed
       functions, no DRMAA functions may be called before the drmaa_init()
       function completes.  Any DRMAA function which is called before the
       drmaa_init() function completes will return a
       DRMAA_ERRNO_NO_ACTIVE_SESSION error.  Contact is an implementation
       dependent string which may be used to specify which Grid Engine cell to
       use. If contact is NULL, the default Grid Engine cell will be used. In
       the 1.0 implementation contact may have the following value:
       session=session_id.  To determine the session_id, the
       drmaa_get_contact(3) function should be called after the session has
       already been initialized.  By passing the session=session_id string to
       the drmaa_init() function, instead of creating a new session, DRMAA
       will attempt to reconnect to the session indicated by the session_id.
       The result of reconnecting to a previous session is that all jobs
       previously submitted in that session that are still running will be
       available in the DRMAA session.  Note, however, that jobs which ended
       before the call to drmaa_init() may not be available or may have no
       associated exit information or resource usage data.

       The drmaa_exit() function closes the DRMAA session for all threads and
       must be called before process termination.  The drmaa_exit() function
       may be called only once by a single thread in the process and may only
       be called after the drmaa_init() function has completed.  Any DRMAA
       function, other than drmaa_init(3), which is called after the
       drmaa_exit() function completes will return a

       The drmaa_exit() function does necessary clean up of the DRMAA session
       state, including unregistering from the qmaster(8).  If the
       drmaa_exit() function is not called, the qmaster will store events for
       the DRMAA client until the connection times out, causing extra work for
       the qmaster and consuming system resources.

       Submitted jobs are not affected by the drmaa_exit() function.


       SGE_ROOT       Specifies the location of the Grid Engine standard
                      configuration files.

       SGE_CELL       If set, specifies the default Grid Engine cell to be
                      used. To address a Grid Engine cell Grid Engine uses (in
                      the order of precedence):

                             The name of the cell specified in the environment
                             variable SGE_CELL, if it is set.

                             The name of the default cell, i.e. default.

                      If set, specifies that debug information should be
                      written to stderr. In addition the level of detail in
                      which debug information is generated is defined.

                      If set, specifies the tcp port on which the sge_qmaster
                      is expected to listen for communication requests.  Most
                      installations will use a services map entry instead to
                      define that port.


       Upon successful completion, drmaa_init() and drmaa_exit() return
       DRMAA_ERRNO_SUCCESS.  Other values indicate an error.  Up to
       error_diag_len characters of error related diagnosis information is
       then provided in the buffer error_diagnosis.


       The drmaa_init() and drmaa_exit() functions can fail with:

              Unexpected or internal DRMAA error, like system call failure,

              Could not contact DRM system for this request.

              The specified request is not processed successfully due to
              authorization failure.

              The input value for an argument is invalid.

       The drmaa_init() function can fail with:

              Initialization failed due to invalid contact string.

              Could not use the default contact string to connect to DRM

              Initialization failed due to failure to init DRM system.

              Initialization failed due to existing DRMAA session.

              Failed allocating memory.

       The drmaa_exit() function can fail with:

              Failed because there is no active session.

              DRM system disengagement failed.



SGE 8.1.3pre             $Date: 2008-07-08 09:10:04 $         drmaa_session(3)

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